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CHAIN is organized to provide home education families an opportunity to enrich their children's academic curriculum and social experience within a Christian-based co-op. We want to “walk in the light, as He is in the light, to have fellowship with one another (1 John 1:7) and to be a “light to the world” (Matthew 5:14). We are a local home school co-op that meets in the greater Coeur d’ Alene area once a week for two semesters during the school year. The families here at CHAIN have chosen to pursue educating their children at home. This group consists of traditional home school students and Virtual school students. We welcome new families and want to make sure everyone that comes can find where they fit into CHAIN. 
Our Statement of Faith
Stacked Books


1. The Bible to be the inspired, infallible, divinely preserved Word of God, the supreme and final authority for all faith and life. The Bible is without error in whole and in part. (God created the universe in 6 days) Genesis 1:1-31

2. God has existed from all eternity in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit; (Deuteronomy 6:4, Matthew 28:19)

3. Jesus Christ is God in human flesh being fully God and fully man, except without sin;

4. God's only provision for salvation, was the coming of Jesus Christ to pay the penalty for man's sin through His substitutionary death on the cross, which was attested to by His visible, bodily resurrection; and

5. Salvation is offered as a free gift to all. This gift must be responded to by individual faith at the prompting of the Holy Spirit, not trusting in any personal works whatsoever, but in the sacrificial death of Jesus Christ alone. Man’s sinful nature alienates us from God and makes us in need of a savior to avoid a just condemnation.

Colourful Pile of Old Books

·         Open to all homeschooling families who comply with our bylaws, and code of conduct. Individual families do not have to accept our statement of faith, but may not teach against.

·         At least one parent will fulfill the responsibility of contributing 4 hours per week or as determined by the Board. A parent or guardian must be present at the co-op at all times. In the event that a parent appears to have an unassigned hour, he or she will be asked to fill in where needed as requested by a Board member.

·         If parental attendance is impossible on a given day, one must have prior permission from the Board for well children to attend with an adult who will be responsible for them while they are at co-op.

·         Membership dues are currently $50 per child, per semester and will cap at $100 per family. These dues are non-refundable and payable by the first day of the semester. These dues go to rent the church for the use of the building, for insurances, to purchase general co-op supplies, and to pay for website hosting. Class material fees are separate and additional, determined by each teacher, and subject to Board approval.

·         All members are expected to attend meetings of the general membership called at the discretion of the Board.

© 2025 CHAIN Co-Op. Created with Mylinda Smiley

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